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The Human Brain

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tandh | 23:28 Wed 18th Nov 2015 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
how can the same thing be capable of loving someone or something with all their heart. But also have the capabilities of massacring innocent people without a second thought?


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Why couldn't it be ?
It's all connections neuron to neuron. Just a tendency to fire up in different paths.
I think it comes down to choices. The brain receives information and we decide how to interpret it and how to act upon the information. Though what I don't understand is I was brought up in a very violent environment and yet I chose to not perpetuate that violence.
Why ever not? It's called free will.

It's not a perfect analogy - but the nearest artificial construct is the computer, which can be used for good or evil - or both!
If you have in mind the pond-life responsible for the Paris attacks, they are incapable of love, the only emotion they are capable of is hate.
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This is what i mean Khandro, i'm struggling to put it into words but how can the brain go from one extreme of being the most loving and giving person in the world to being a part of what happened in paris.
Elina, it says that one reason they resort to this is to feel significant. i call hiding behind a gun, killing unarmed, unprepared, innocent victims completely cowardly. I'm so angrey at the IS, *** ***

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The Human Brain

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