Intelligent Debate!!! in The AnswerBank: News
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Intelligent Debate!!!

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Gavmacp | 21:00 Thu 19th Nov 2015 | News
16 Answers
I found this on Facebook and thought it was an intelligent arguement which is strange since it comes from America.
Please could some clever sod put Isaam Bayan and CNN and provide a link. I did try but like my other first time I did rather fail!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I have to bow to some people on here. You shine brighter than some stars. I thought this was an intelligent response to some rather stupid questions.
Is it the right one? I'll watch it if it is :-)
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Yes! I am impressed!
All very rational, but not an arguement accepted by many ABers. Naomi and AOG think ALL muslims are the same and that they are all a threat to us. Cobblers, but that is their view.
I think that was very well expressed and I agree with him.

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What I liked is that this is a complex problem to do with religion and culture. He responded with an intelligent response to some very lazy reporting.
ALL muslims are not the same and they are not all a threat to us.
But too many for comfort are!

Many ABers refuse to accept acknowledge that.
Just watching the local news and this came on


These will be them there Muslims that pose a threat ... agree?
//Naomi and AOG think ALL muslims are the same//

Naomi doesn't, but having said that, the man is talking nonsense when he speaks about Female Genital Mutilation. He says that Eritrea and Ethiopia are Christian countries, but 47% of the population of Eritrea is Muslim, and 34% of the population of Ethiopia is Muslim. Additionally, in Egypt where 97% of the population is Muslim, the majority of women are subjected to FGM – even though it is outlawed. Who is being cut? Furthermore, most – I’d venture to suggest all – of the mutilated women – or those at risk of being mutilated - who consult western agencies for help are Muslim. Without Islam those agencies wouldn’t exist. Although he’s right in saying there is a very real problem, don’t be too impressed by the rest of his rhetoric. There is.
This the same bloke who was interviewed about his book about Jesus on Fox.

Car crash telly.

He seems to have a point about FGM being an African issue, rather than a Muslim issue, as the map detailing incidence in the link below:

Hard to watch because of the interviewer's poor technique. Is 'historicity' a word?
SP, Of course he has a point about FGM being an African issue - Africa has a high Muslim population. You will note that your link also states:

//FGM is also prevalent in Southeast Asia and seen in some Muslim populations of South Asia//

There is no denying that FGM is more prevalent by far within Muslim communities than in any other.

I haven't read his book, but I agree with him on one issue. I too think Jesus was a political agitator.
/// Naomi and AOG think ALL muslims are the same ///

AOG doesn't, but I have yet to hear from experts on Muslims such as Gromit, how we can tell the peaceful one's from the radical ones?

Perhaps by Gromit's usage of the lower case 'm', that may be it, perhaps the big 'M's' are the one's to look out for?
Yes, historicity is a word -- the noun form of "historic", in the sense of actually belonging to history.

It's a weird interview indeed -- "it would be like someone who disagrees with a position having any opinion on it...". Huh?

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