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mra1 | 16:33 Fri 20th Nov 2015 | Crosswords
6 Answers
completed but not sure I have correct answers to 3 as I don't get the wordplay:- Like Stephano's part they say requiring mixed gin R(O)L(L)I(N)G
Its contents may become unhinged and sold A(


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Sounds like part (role) = ROLL
Anag of gin = ING
Question Author
thank you - it has blanked my other two questions Its contents may become unhinged and sold A?B?M I have album and GROSSED for treated marginally - the only words I could get
Stamps are hinged onto a stamp album.
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Thank you for that - just hope this "submits" I cannot believe the trouble I am having posting!
There marginal glasses, so maybe GLOSSED would work. Not sure.
Oops--make that marginal GLOSSES . . . .hence GLOSSED

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