I live in a narrow street near the university. Lots of students park here and now a cafe has opened nearby which has added to the problem. Last week the bin lorry couldn't get in and they had to return with a smaller one.
Many of the cars park with two wheels on the footpath which effectively blocks it for people using walking frames or young mothers with prams.
Who would I contact here in NI to complain about this?
If obstructions are being caused to bin lorries, than the same obstructions could effect fire engines and ambulances. So why not make a formal complaint, in writing to the Police sandy ?
same problem here..no amount of complaining has made any difference....a fire engine had to crash into a line of cars to get to a house fire a few years before we moved here...totalled a good few..alas the young lady perished...
I live in a cul-de-sac Sandy - with no kerb - nearly all the houses have 3-4 cars - I can't get in or out easily and have to manoeuvre the car - sick of it actually.
I have a friend who lives near the university too - he is a little autistic but very clever - eccentric. Wont use his car as he says he can't get it back to its spot again because of the students.
Most parking contraventions have now been 'decriminalised' in Northern Ireland, meaning that parking enforcement is no longer the responsibility of the police. However 'causing an obstruction' remains a criminal offence, so it's for the PSNI to deal with.
To report decriminalised parking contraventions (such as parking on a footpath) try a phone call to the company which employs the enforcement staff, NSL Services Group, on 0845 300 0613.