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The Early Bird....

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1ozzy | 05:37 Sat 05th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
....Gets the worm.

Anyone out hunting yet?


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Pixie!!! A vacuum cleaner.

Guessing you've used one in days gone by;-)
tee hee Oz !
T'internet is breaking down every few seconds, so I'm giving up. Try again tomorrow. Have a happy day everyone.
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Cya Boaty, enjoy being spoiled, it wont last forever ;-(
bye boaty xx have a nice day.
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I'm going to toddle off for the time being.
Slice and dice fruit and salad vegies. Then cook a bit of chook and herb bread.
Mrs Oz and I are "empty nesters" tonight.

Have a great day Early Birders.
Morning all, my goodness, is it breezy here. What has boaty brought down with him?
Good morning everyone
Morning Paddy, it's ghostly quiet in here, as if the downtime for AB has started early.
morning Paddy xx morning DT xx had a wee power cut..blowing a gale here ..must have brought something down somewhere
it's a fair hoolie here too.....the line went down last night, BT out inside 90 minutes and that's impressive, there are some advantages to having someone registered as needing support....
I had the same emergency response when caring for FIL..after I was without a line for a week and complained bitterly to CEO of BT ..I also got 3 months free line rental !!
good investment!
oh's son keeps saying I should start a business I have won so many battles..and dosh..for peeps over the well as rescinded parking tickets !!
it's all the misbehaving.....!

Got my breakfast group this morning if the caff is open, so will be off. have a good one x and to you all
bye DT xx be good....Santa's fairies are watching !

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