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Have You Noticed....

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10ClarionSt | 14:56 Sat 05th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
....that since they started putting names to storms, it's never stopped fkn raining? Talk about tempting fate.. :o)


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Odd how they come in the correct alphabetical order too...
look out when they get to Jeremy.
Oh just wait till we get to Xanthe
who names these hurricanes.
A public poll was taken by the British Met Office and the Irish Met Office.
They never asked me!
I'm going to be a devil and ask them to name one....JennyJoan.....;-)
I'm guessing that they only asked dozy, soppy *** for suggestions.
Desmond conjures up a picture of a middle-aged bald man talking about monkeys or Radio 2.
No they should name one Gness!
Comes out of the blue causes absolute chaos and then leaves without a backward glance!
Oh Knickers!!! That was you in the restaurant today.... :-( should have had a tighter hold on that pint!........☺

//I'm guessing that they only asked.....//

They asked the public, that includes all of us. ;-)

'Cyclone Sqad' has a nice sound to it.
Quite right, doogie - you scots know how to name a storm ...

You do rather gad about Gness!
Monsoon Mamyalynne?......x
Clodagh was an unusual choice - whatever happened to her?
Thanks, the singer Mamya. Only Clodagh I've ever heard of.
My son had one named after him. He blamed the lentil curry he had had the night before.

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