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Howling Gale

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sunny-dave | 12:59 Sat 05th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Horrible here in North by Northamptonshire :+(

Fences collapsing (not mine ...yet), trees over, chicken across the road has laid the same egg three times (at least by the sound of the squawking) ...

... so I'm taking my man-flu back to bed and trying to ignore the creaking sounds from the loft.

Is it safe to add rum to blacksip ... ?


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Pretty windy in Manchester too, worried about the fence as it's got battered before in previous years and has had to be replaced both sides because of it.

Holding for the meantime! Not as bad as the wind we had the other week though...yet...
Blowing a hooey here, the trees are bending.
Another sleep disturbed night! All the creaking keeps you awake.
You'll have to get Mr Yilly to fix that headboard then.
We haven't got a headboard, Yont. We have a four poster. It must be my knees creaking.....or my hips........Arggghh!
A four poster !
Ohhh the queen of Bedford ;-)
breezy down here, good for the leaf fires, lit them at 1 and still going.....
Blimey DT, if I had a leaf fire I think the whole of the West Mids would be on fire by now.
Probably a tonne of leaves here in 3 fires, tony,. the bushes packed and the lawn chopped to mulch the rest, a lovely smell out there!
Put a few spuds and chestnuts in, DT !.
I know, a bit late now - one 6x4x3 foot pile two thirds gone, the second 8x4x3 half gone and then there's one massive 12x8x3 pile and that's about a quarter gone - last year that cousin pile smouldered away for a week!
Probably will do this year to if it doesn't rain, DT.

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