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Right Or Left First?

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sandyRoe | 05:42 Fri 11th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Putting my shirt on this morning I noticed I put my arm into the right sleeve first. Would left handed people do the opposite?


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No. I'm left handed but usually put my right arm in first. Just a natural action.
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It's funny the things that come into your mind in the wee small hours.
Or maybe women would do it the other way because they fasten their clothes right-over-left.
after a heavy night out i sometimes try to my right arm into my left sleeve

It could be worse aelmpvw, you could be trying to put your right arm into your left trouser leg.
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Does anyone else blush to think of the times they put their foot in their mouth during a night out?
You know you've had too many sherbets when you try to take your trousers off over your head!
I'm left handed and the left sleeve goes on first, as does the left trouser leg, sock and shoe.
If that were the case Sandy I'd be "fire engine" red, permanently!
I only open my mouth to change feet ;-)
i'm left handed, when sober it's right sleeve, left leg and right shoe first, perhaps i'm ambidextrous?

You've got too much time on your hands
I put my right leg into my tights first.
I'm right-handed...left arm and left leg first.

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Right Or Left First?

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