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Space Station Sighting This Evening

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wendilla | 17:03 Sat 12th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Next sighting. 6 16 pm for 1 min Wsw departing SSW
Sorry was too late in getting back to post the first one at 4 40 but probably no sighting due to weather .


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Thanks, Wendi......just about the time I'll be cycling across town....and it does look clear at I may wobble a bit on the bike.....☺

Thank you.
After 5 she'll be underneath the table....
Hi, Shoota.....join me? It's cosier than Baldric's shrubbery.....x

Oi, my shrubbery is lubberly!
So Psybs tells me......☺
I'd be happy to join you, it's been a long time since I've been surrounded by four legs, but I've a space station to watch....
Wouldn't it be six legs......but enjoy the Station watching....nice to see you...x

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Space Station Sighting This Evening

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