Can I ask if you send someone a message on facebook, do you have to be friends with that person for them to be able to see the message. If you know what I mean. And how come some people don't have an add friend button on their Facebook
Think it goes into 'Others folder' really hard to find if you use the app version. There is no notice saying you have a message if they aren't on your friends list. Had to get one of my kids to find it for me, I had quite a few messages from people that I'm not friends with but who know me.
Don't know about add a friend, I'm slowly learning.
If there is no add friend button, its because they have set controls on who can ask to be their friend. If you are both members of a group then you can put a note on the page saying that you have messaged them or can ask someone who is their friend to tell them that you have messaged them. I often miss messages from non friends because I forget to look for them.