It`s ages since I did this but I think I remember how to do it. You copy the url and paste it in the Enter YouTube URL Here... followed by a dot or something in the text box. Is that right? I`m trying to do that and the post won`t submit. Nothing happens.
The YouTube box has been awkward for a while now, I first type something in the box below - the paste the YouTube address above. Then it seems to work.
Funnily enough I had the same experience with a youtube link yesterday. I've a feeling that certain videos want you to link to their site rather than embed the clip, so use dark magic to prevent it happening. It was a lovely clip as well!
For youtube you are correct except you may need to put a few more dots in the text box or just something like Clip attached.
May not work if you're using the mobile version.
For a BBC clip just paste the link into the text (question details) box
I might be missing something but it doesn't look like BBC provide an 'embed' link
But most youtbe vids you just copy the url at the top of your screen and paste into the box above the bit you write in on AB
Like these cats
OK, - you need to type at least 2 characters before SUBMIT will work - you can then delete the 2 characters and you get the "Type Your Answer Here..." text back with then will let you submit - think I've just found a quirk of AB!