Could This Be The Cause Of My Cough? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Could This Be The Cause Of My Cough?

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Barsel | 14:06 Sat 26th Dec 2015 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
Last month I asked if I might be anaemic as I was feeling tired and my Hb was 112.


This time it is 105 and my GP says this makes me anaemic and I have to have my iron levels and something else checked in the new year.

I was wondering though if this is the reason why I seem to have a persistent cough which I've had for almost 4 weeks?

I'm definitely more tired than before but was wondering are there other symptoms that are related to having anaemia?

Many thanks.
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Anaemia can cause breathlessness though and that can make you cough.
16:36 Sat 26th Dec 2015
If you want to line up your haemoglobin with your symptom of cough, then one must postulate a problem with your lung.

Not impossible, but highly unlikely.

Your anemia needs further description, before one can postulate the cause of your cough e.g is it an iron deficiency anaemia?
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Hi sqad ////is it an iron deficiency anaemia?////
I don't know, as I mentioned in my post, I have to have my iron levels checked next month and I think he said check something else.
At the moment I seem to have a few different problems apart from tiredness and just wondered if they might be linked to the anaemia?
Barsel. Do you suffer at all with stomach acidity or reflux? My daughter advised my partner that this can be a very likely cause only yesterday. My lovely lady is in he 60s and has never smoked, but has been coughing for weeks despite being rude health otherwise. My daughter is in a likely place to kno. he has advised a precautionary xray to eliminate anything obvious.
(kno ) know.
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No Togo I don't have stomach acid probs or reflux. It's a dry cough but it just won't go away.When I first got it, the triage nurse at the doctors told me to go to the pharmacist for a bottle but I've gone through 4 bottles and still have it When I have been for the blood test next month, I'll ask the GP about the cough if I still have it.
Ah! thanks Barsel.....if it is an iron deficiency anemia, that answers that question and no, it is extremely unlikely to be the cause of your cough.

A chest Xray would put paid to any further speculation about a chest problem causing your anemia.

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I don't think it's a chest problem that's causing the anaemia Sqad. My GP thinks it could be the Methotrxate that is causing me to be anaemic. Could the Methotrxate be the cause of my cough too? I'm just trying to figure out really why I have this cough as I don't smoke and I'm never in smoky atmosphere's.
Could it be the cough that half the population seems to have had for weeks now?
\\\\Could the Methotrxate be the cause of my cough too?\\\

Not convinced, but it might.
I think douglas is nearer the mark;-)
Aye, I've got my doctorin' badge from Kelloggs Cornflakes medical skool. :-)
Same as me ^^^ LOL
Anaemia can cause breathlessness though and that can make you cough.
My Daughters qualification follows.BSc. MBChb. MRCP.
I'll get me lab coat. :-(
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Thanks for your answers.x

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