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Do Magnetic Bracelets Do Any Good....

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trt | 12:47 Sun 27th Dec 2015 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
for your health and well being.

I was bought one for Xmas, anybody worn or had one?


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Those who say that they get relief from them, regard them as a "saviour, those who get no relief regard them as a "scam."

I have never used them and cannot see any reason for believing in their pain relief qualities............
Put the question another way - they won't do you any harm - so what's to lose? You never know.
ey up trt,....if you're well enough to come on here you're well enough to talk to a friend who cares ;)

x x x
I feel I've missed some interaction here. Play nicely girls.
I'd consider it unlikely to be more than a placebo. But who knows ?
Probably is more of a placebo than anything else, but I've been wearing one for over a year and I swear my wrist hasn't ached since the day I put it on.
>>and I swear my wrist hasn't ached since the day I put it on.

But did it ache before?
Yeah, sorry, suppose I should have elaborated! I broke my wrist about 6/7 years ago, and when I get cold, or I overwork it (say, at work) it aches, it's 'orrible.
I use Tommie Copper wrist bands which are stretchy thin material infused with copper. They WORK without a doubt. If the bracelet you have contains copper, I think it should help!

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Do Magnetic Bracelets Do Any Good....

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