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Neckerchiefs And Handkerchiefs...

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sandyRoe | 10:47 Wed 30th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Is it just size that makes the difference?


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LOL ael. Washed first even.
Here, in the western U.S. we even have stores that specialize in the neckerchief (or bandana or handkerchief, etc.) seen here:

Not many of them that even hardened cow hands could blow there nose on though…
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But when you blowout nose in a Hankey you can peruse the contents later at your leisure. With a tissue you'd likely throw it away.
Better to blow one's nose after or during a meal than let others have the treat of seeing it run down your face and over the tablecloth.
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Good manners would dictate it's sniffed up.
In those situations Geezer it is permissible to use the tablecloth.
I'd like to know how Mikey can get his handkerchief to double as a banana.
Or a carrot stuey.
I use kerchiefs so much more adaptable ..
If a neckerchief is for your neck, what's a handkerchief for?
Yeh and what's a necklace for?
thank god they dont have bottom-kerchiefs nowadays
you can just imagine the smut coming from the usual suspects ....
and hey no one hax commented:

hey I blew my nose on a pair of knickers once ....
Were they your own though?
Ask a Boy Scout
Supposed to have both

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