Motoring1 min ago
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. Jom -I know she's 17 but did he know that when they started texting?
Yes look at his text question re age...
http:// www.the uk/sol/ homepag e/news/ politic s/68312 57/Labo ur-MP-S imon-Da nczuk-s ends-sl eazy-te xts-to- young-g irl.htm l
Yes look at his text question re age...
He could still get done !.
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 however defines the age of consent as 18 when a person is “in a position of trust” over someone else.
http:// www.msn .com/en -gb/new s/polit ics/sim on-danc zuk-sus pended- from-la bour-pa rty-aft er-send ing-sex ually-e xplicit -texts- to-teen ager/ar -BBo4QE i?li=AA aeUIW
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 however defines the age of consent as 18 when a person is “in a position of trust” over someone else.
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His domestic activities with his former wife are his own business but should not of been shared with us. They both chose to do so. I recall him admitting he enjoyed the occasional blue movie with his wife. No problem but he is/was an MP and are we interested? Only if we share the same perverted ways of life. A young exhibitionist of a wife who enjoyed displaying selfies of herself and her thruppenys.
I would suggest he is either a perve or is too immature and unworthy of being an MP. I believe discretion is a worthy attribute of one in government or shadow government.This man is a loose cannon and has rather suspect morals.
I would suggest he is either a perve or is too immature and unworthy of being an MP. I believe discretion is a worthy attribute of one in government or shadow government.This man is a loose cannon and has rather suspect morals.