Maxie is still eating his wee paws - I do need access to doggie boottees - he wont stop eating them#
I have put 4 socks around them which annoys him but know it does help as if the paws have covers he cannot bite them - a week on - they are pretty healed.
I done this with Harvey only he was licking his bottom - I tied him from top to bottom with pashmina away from bottom - he healed fantastically.
Where can I get these bootees - no (used to be able to do crotchet) not now - he need his paws covered. Any help would be grateful
obviously maxie is not healthy if he is chewing his paws to the extent he is making them sore. Applying cream and a boot will allow the paws to heal if the initial reason for the soreness is addressed with veterinary medication.
///when i give jordy a telling of for licking his bum i am told that i am just jealous because i cant do it,jenny i hope he will grow out of this habit///
Jordyboy, just give him a biscuit, I'm sure he'd let you!
He is doing well - went back to vets yesterday and she prescribed antibiotics - yes Boo loads of toys but loves a particular one - I call him Punky - had to throw him out (toy) last night as the stuffing was beginning to come out so will look for another similar one.