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Ft 15128

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diac | 20:09 Mon 04th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
30(a) chap from belgium is a loyal subject l?e?e?e? so it's liegemen but that's pleurisy


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Do you mean plural?
As it is 'chap' and 'a loyal subject' then must be
What gave you the last e?
i found that too but the E is definitely right so must be a setter error
for anyone interested the final E is given by the last letter of the down clue:-

I creep around and force a way in (6)

for which the answer is 'piercE'
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but then 25(d) i creep around and force a way in (6) pi?r?? isn't pierce but ends in a and is a very deviant spalling
Question Author
thanks for commiserating
Dante's led us into the inferno ... or infarno

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Ft 15128

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