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Have You Bought Your 2016 Calendar Yet?

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sunny-dave | 19:52 Mon 04th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
If not, there's a cracker here for your consideration :

I'm quite taken with the enigmatic, flower-sniffer in March ...

... but [to my eyes at least] does the whole thing does actually seem a trifle gay ?

comrade dave xx



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I was thinking and shall he find......

Yep, it has that affect to.
Don't eat the yellow snow. (Old Eskimo Proverb)
Thing is can you still write your name in the snow whilst still upright ?
Writing Dave....shouldn't be much trouble, Ron.......but writing Whiskeryron would be quite impressive!....☺
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Oi - hands off you lot ... I'm not that sort of elephant

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Have You Bought Your 2016 Calendar Yet?

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