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Polite Refusal To Guests

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Maydup | 08:21 Wed 06th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Someone I knew a long time ago has made contact as they are in my area one weekend. They are a couple with a dog who suggest it would be good to meet up after all these years . On the next contact it transpires that they are in the area to collect a new car and have now asked if they could stay the night with us. I don't feel I need to give my reasons for not wanting to help the out, but don't want to be overly rude. We were good mates yonks ago.

Could someone write me a polite refusal please?!



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Are they bringing the dog? You have an allergy to dogs, don't you?
Not easy. Say you don't have the room but here's a list of B&Bs/hotels in the area you've put together for them ?

Unsure why they don't want to drive their new car home asap.
You're having building work done on the house so can't have guests at the moment.
So difficult, Maydup.....but it's happened to me and my reply was.....

I am so sorry, it'll be great to meet up....but I just can't accommodate overnight guests anymore.......

And take it from there......x
Hi Maydup, they weren't too polite putting you in such a position where they. Gnesses reply sounds polite enough. If they are offended, tough!
I would lie and say it is not possible because you have a nephew staying in your spare room at the moment. (Well I have at the moment - these things happen!). Then give them details of local places they could stay.
Just tell a discreet white lie - and who cares if they find out. Gness's suggestion sounds the best - it's definitely what I would use in your position. And perhaps don't bother with going to the trouble of finding names of hotels for them - let them do it for themselves .... if they emailed you or contacted you by facebook, then they can look up themselves. Why should you go to the trouble ....
do they live far away from you ,funny how they contact you after so long ,just cheap accommodation by the sounds of it ,id just write and say sorry can't put you up .
This happened to me once and I just said sorry, it's too short notice, I need more notice if people want to come and stay. I never heard from them again by the way !
Tell them you are away on holiday for a few days.
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Thanks all, I have kept it simple and said that we are busy at the weekend but if they have trouble finding somewhere to stay, I could help look for local places that take dogs too. MrM is a hopeless liar (!) but is genuinely busy and not open to visitors and their animal.
Gness I bet that's just what you say to Mrs O!

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