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Yes to make it clear, sorry if it wasn't, surgery done for bowel cancer but no spread so surgery 'cured' that problem. i.e. no chemo or any other followup. infection was post op, evidently not unusual after this kind of surgery and drs were on to it quickly. but yes, definitely both hindered recovery, and also hindered ability and desire to eat, hence more weight loss than there should have been. due to other health conditions, enhanced recovery programme was not possible afterwards. the replies are interesting, he has tried step exercise to help built up thigh muscle, but also has an intermittent knee problem which flared up, hence the suggestion of physio. myself and his wife are members at a gym although we only do classes, not the gym machinery. I will ask if they have equipment suitable. we are long standing members, so between us we have loads of guest passes so he could possibly try it out before making a commitment to joining. I personally think pilates would be a great help but unfortunately the fact that these classes are full of women puts him off a bit. I was just rather curious as to why there could be something a neurologist might be interested in. and its true, at his age, maybe this is something he is going to have to live with. thing is, his wife is extremely so they are both noticing his disabilities more than perhaps if she was the same as he is. it may be also that at his age, and other health conditions a longer (much longer) recovery period is to be expected.