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TWR | 23:33 Fri 15th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I may come over as not compassionate but I am if you know me, I see / hear about these people in the Jungle & think, hey I live in the UK this is where I'm from why should I feel for these people that have made their way, paid their way from far off lands to try and get into the Stupid UK, what about our people? does it not matter about the people that are from here? do we have to bother about people that we do not know anything about only they are trying to get here for more than a safe haven, am I a Non Compassionate person?


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You have no need to feel compassion or care for anyone unless you wish to - I think you are emotional tonight and very caring.
Caring for the plight of other human beings doesn't mean you'd happily let them all in.
Sometimes you show compassion, sometimes you espouse antipathy.

Doesn't everyone?
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Zac, no not drinking just in thought.
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Just read your reply Talbot, Antipathy get's to me when I see people that can not speak for themselves get taken advantage of, especially persons with L.D.
I think Talbot says it all.

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