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DaisyNonna | 20:02 Tue 19th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
What is a long running script which prevents my accessing sites?


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Think it means there is so much information down loading it will take Ages to load some times when I put in the achievement s of Tottenham Hotspur this happens
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Wry smile
When you are just staring at your screen, believing that nothing is happenning on your computer, all sorts of things are going on in the background eg, it has to keep checking the keyboard to see if you're trying to "talk" to it, checking to see if the l;atest posts has updated in AB etc. These are scripts. Sometimes one of these scripts will get stuck and will be taking longer than the computer expects for it to finish - "there is a long-running script etc etc". Just stop it.
It means there's a script (bit of computer code) running on a website which has become unresponsive.
It happens with Firefox a lot

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