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Scotland May Add Folic Acid To Bread...

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sandyRoe | 07:13 Fri 22nd Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Personally, I see this as a good thing, like the fluoride added to water some time ago.
Would others view it as the nanny state meddling where it has no Business?


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ok by me so long as they don't start adding water to whisky

wot wot ??? water..? splutter !
Is the regular use of 'deep fried' a symptom of Tourettes in type or just lazy stereotyping by those who laugh loudest at their own lame and repetitive jokes?
Maybe an expert will know.
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OK. With a nod of acknowledgment to nationalistic sensibilities it could be boeuf en coute without the boeuf. :-))
deep fry - what else would all those chippies do?
I don't mind a Mars Bar, washed down with a chocolate milk.

Why on earth would someone deep fry one?

Whisky is good too, sacrilege to dilute it.
have never seen Mars Bars in Edinburgh chippies..have done in Wegieland !!
Adding Lysergic acid instead of Folic acid could make for an interesting social experiment.
Or are the Scots mad enough already?
I see medicating of food before it's sold as crossing a line. Different if a few brands opt to so there is a choice. Thinking that it's ok is likely a result of allowing water companies to medicate the water supply already. People are accepting more and more infringements against themselves these days. It's an uncomfortable trend.
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When you have ready supplies of the water of life and Buckie to hand what need would you have for chemical intoxicants?
Point taken..
I say that the water we drink should be as pure as possible, they should not be adding anything to the water at all!!

Not that I will be drinking Scottish water any time soon!
the old stat used to be that half the Scots had lost all their teeth by age 21
do they add fluoride
or does Nicky sturgeon demand the right to be edentulous as a basic human right ?

as for folate - we as the tax payer are paying for treatment of the result ( spina bifida ) so as we pay for it we can say what goes

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