YMB, why didn't you think to take this comment of yours to its natural conclusion? You wrote, "All the Tories fault then. What was stopping labour setting one up during their tenures since 1970?"
The Tories were in power from 1970 (oil discovery) to 1997 (Labour landslide), a period of 27 years interrupted only by Labour's 5-year tenure from 1974 - 79. Simple arithmetic really, but I'll explain it anyway...the Tories had more than FIVE times as long as Labour did to consider creating an oil fund! By the time 1997 arrived, the bulk of the fortune that might[i have been made from oil had been squandered, so Labour had little chance of saving it.
Given that we are constantly told how the Tories are the party of economic wisdom, why did not a single member of that party see the opportunity? Even your right-wing goddess, Wonder Woman, failed even to catch a glimpse of the possibilities during her 13 years as PM, before her defenestration by her own cabinet...and [i]they] didn't notice either!