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Finger And Toe Nails

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interele | 21:36 Sat 30th Jan 2016 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
What 'glues' your finger and toe nails down ?




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One source says...

"...the germinative (growing) zone of the nail bed consists functionally of two parts. The part beneath the root of the nail and the lunule, called the GERMINAL MATRIX, is thicker and actively proliferative (dividing), and is concerned with the growth of the nail, the epidermal cells being gradually converted into the nail substance. On the other hand, the part beneath the rest of the nail, called the STERILE MATRIX, is thinner and is not concerned with nail growth but provides a surface over which the growing nail glides."
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Thanks - it's quite a complicated process !
The reason I was asking was the I fell out of the attic a while ago ( and it's no where near as funny as in the movies ! ) and damaged my big toe. Now the 'moon' bit is working it way up my toe so it now covers about 3/4 of the nail. I was wondering if the nail is going to fall off when it gets to the top

If my similar experience is any lesson, no, it won't fall off. In my case, the entire nail on big toe turned black but then the normal colored nail began growing and eventually replaced the blackened part. Took nearly a year. It helped that I kept trimming the black part...

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Finger And Toe Nails

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