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Premium Bonds - February

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Ric.ror | 00:47 Tue 02nd Feb 2016 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
£50 for me this month
Good luck everyone


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A piddling £25 here - it's a fix :-[]
01:42 Tue 02nd Feb 2016
£150 for me, Ric......☺
A piddling £25 here - it's a fix

OH and son not won anything in years,eldest stepson has won £25 several times
£25 x2. Always a £25. Considering the amount, and the period of the "investment" allowing for inflation etc. Premium bonds are disappointing.
I sometimes suspect I detect the whiff of kipper.....
Also £25 this month
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I too think it's a fix
I should have won big by now
Ive had mine since the 1960's and never won a halfpenny!
I think I would faint with shock if I won £25.
My Mum won £100.
We are thinking of investing in some Premium Bonds and I read that it's best to but in blocks. If we have £2000 to put in for instance what is the best way? 4 lots of £500, 2 lots of £1000, 1 lot of £2000? Thanks for any input.
It shouldn't make a difference, Margo and I'm not sure it does.....some would say otherwise....

I have bought in various multiples.....some in a £10,000 block and some a reinvested £25 win and all have had winning bonds......x
£25 again.
Thanks for that Gness.Nice little bonus this month x
Yes margo, my £25 wins have come from different sized blocks.
February 2016's Premium Bonds winning numbers... via @lovemoney_com

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