Can anyone help please before I'm carted off!!! Driven mad due to Talk talk (I'm sure it is their fault!) putting all my emails through twice or even 3 or 4 times. Started three days ago when I suddenly noticed I had over 7000 emails in my in box!! On investigation I found they had all come in again from a date in November including thousands of spam ones which had been filtered out previously. I'm on Outlook Express 6 and use Firefox and Windows XP.
Can anyone suggest anything to stop them please? I've been on the TT server Webmail when I can but even that is playing up at the moment - TT admit there is a fault accessing webmail and when I have managed to get on, I have cleared a lot of emails off the server but it still hasn't stopped them flooding in. The current spam ones are being filtered out by Spanfighter now - it was just all the historic ones which came in again from November, but still the normal duplicate ones come in ............. I'm so fed up!!