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New Laptop

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lankeela | 11:05 Fri 05th Feb 2016 | Technology
11 Answers
Taken into shop to transfer all my stuff from old one and they have rung to ask for password - I have no idea what it is and use several different ones for different things such as email and Facebook. Is there any way I can find it? I would have thought they would know.


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Assuming you were using Windows, most versions invite you to put in a password when you boot up - that's probably the password they were looking for. If you didn't use a password ie, you just hit return, then that's the informtion they require.
A bit more information about your old laptop would be helpful - which version of Windows etc
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Windows 7 I think. I will have to go onto the shop and see if I can log in
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Excessive work ? Probably double the charge.
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If they knew what they were doing they wouldnt need to be contacting you..they would have bypassed it and got on with the job...
>>>I would have thought they would know.

Why would you expect them to know your password?
I guess know what password to retrieve...
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Know how to find it or how to get in if there isn't one.
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Ok problem solved! It was the new one and I must have put in a password when I got it and forgotten I had done it. It gave me a hint and I remembered it. All done now, and I also have my letter 'L' back. Only problem I have now is when I want to type up a letter or article I can't find anywhere to do this - I had Word on the last one - any ideas? I tried to install Open Office but it said I needed authorisation to do it.
If yours is the only account on the new laptop it will have administrator privileges. When it says you need authorisation just click "yes".

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