i was heading to a worksite in Romford, having driven from Doncaster; my colleague had been asleep for most of the journey and was still asleep when i arrived at the M25/A12 junction. being rush hour, the queue for the junction spilled back on to the main carriageway, so I joined the queue.
as soon as I 'd stopped, i noticed a 44tonner approaching the back of the queue (me) at at least 50-60mph, then all tryres smoking as brakes were applied at the last moment. I was only feet from the car in front so couldn't pull away, in any case the crash barrier protecting the junction sign prevented it. with only feet to spare the truck squeezed into a gap in the next lane and passed my car and was gone.
whilst i watched in the mirror with nowhere to go, my only thought, perversely, was, should i wake my colleague to be conscious of his doom, or leave him oblivious?