Something VERY VERY starnge going on with my FB. I'll explain in detail what's happening and see if you have ANY idea what's wrong.
A chap posted a photo of my old School. I have a message on it "attachment unavailable".
One of my friends, maragret comments on the post saying "great photo" so now I know itis visible as she can see it.
I ask her to send it me in a message, in the meantime ANOTHER friend sends it me and I can see it. Margaret also sends it to me in a message but I get attachment unavailable message again!
The original poster tells me to check my messages. There's no message!
Margaret messages me to tell me she's put it on her timeline, but guess what. It's not there...... except that it is, because she has comments on it. But it's invisible to me!!!!
I looked again this morning and its still not there, or rather, I can't see it! I'm using an iPad.
Any ideas please. Please note also that I'm not in the least technically minded.
Ask the person that posted the original picture in FaceBook to check the privacy settings of the shared picture, e.g. what users / groups can view. If necessary, as a test, set the privacy settings to 'Public'.
If you can't see it, it is because she is sharing it directly from source, and that source is probably not a friend of yours, so you can't see it. She would need to save it to her PC and rename it, and repost it (to make the picture 'hers') in order for you to see it. But yes, easier to ask the orginal poster to make the photo available to the public so everyone can see it!