This gave me a huge laugh ....thanks !
it reminds me of the two "odd job men" that we used to have in BT in Swansea a few years ago. I can't remember what their real names were but they were generally known as Mutt and Jeff.
I saw them trying to move a filing cabinet, using one of those two-wheeled trucks, up a narrow cobbed street from one office building to another. The filing cabinet fell off the truck and lay there in the middle of the lane.
Mutt turned to Jeff and said......."You know the trouble with you don't you ? are just thick"
We cheered at that point out of the window above them !
Another thing I remember about M+J is that they were given a pager, so that the manager of the Accommodation Office could contact them...this was in the days before Mobile phones. The pager went off when they had almost reached Carmarthen, about 30 miles away and they promptly turned around and drove back to Swansea, to ask what the matter was !