I've heard this song many times on the radio at ASDA (I work nights) but they never give out the title or artist!! It's a bit of a funk song but I have no idea how old it is. It goes: You can make a difference baby, right from the start. Can we take it back to when you first made your mark? We gotta learn to give, we gotta learn to live...
Hi kung_fu_dude. Oh how i wish i'd never read your question? I know these lyrics but can i remember the song?!!!! The only thing i can suggest is to tag it through SHAZAM on your mobile? If you haven't heard of it or need more details, give me a shout!!
Sorry! It is an awesome song and I hear it from time to time. there a re loads of songs i'd like more info on so maybe I should try and contact the people who put together ASDA FM at night.
I've tried searching the net which usually works but not this time. I've not heard of SHAZAM...