I am thinking of adopting a rescue dog from a european country. I have had many dogs over the years but not at present. I have been told some real horror tales about how these dogs have been treated but my immediate concern is whether it is a genuine rescue and what is the real condition of the dog. Does anyone have any helpful comments please and especially if you have knowledge of the arrangements for importing a dog from europe into this country. Thanks.
The question stated 'I am thinking of adopting a rescue dog from a European country'. I was hoping agardener might have a re-think and help dogs at home. If not there are plenty of rescues in the UK who have dogs they rescued from Europe without having to go directly abroad.
Naomi 24 ,Adopting a dog from Europe involves going through a foreign rescue where they are also 'safe'. You can't just pull a dog off the street and bring it home unless you are over there and have the money for the expenses of the paperwork, travel arrangements, vaccinations etc.