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Stopping Barking

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masma | 15:39 Fri 04th Mar 2016 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
Since out son died 8 weeks ago Coco has been getting worse with her barking. It seems to mainly be when someone goes past the house or makes a noise outside. She has also started jumping up, something she's never done before, she's also been getting a bit anti social when walking. I always walked her till I broke my back in November when our son took over, he died in January so I guess she's having a lot to deal with but we don't know how to stop it. Any advise will be appreciated. Than you.


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Teach the dog to speak on your command, then use command word to cease.
sorry you have had such a crap few months masma

the dog ? not dure....
so who is walking the dog now?
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Mr M walks her weekdays and our daughter weekends. Coco is almost 7 now, don't know how hard it's going to be to re-train her?
You can teach an old dog new tricks, Masma, with lots of patience from you and lots of rewards for the dog.
have you discussed dementia with the vet?
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Now't wrong with her brain Wolfgang, I hope. I'm thinking it might be a bereavement type of issue. She was with my son almost 24/7
I think your right, masma. Coco is missing him.

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Stopping Barking

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