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My Cat Suddenly Attacks Me For No Reason

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gordiescotland1 | 01:17 Sun 06th Mar 2016 | Pets
8 Answers
My cat who is normally friendly and affectionate will suddenly attack me for no reason and sink her teeth into my hand and run off. Im confused I am very good to her and love her very much why would she do this. It is flipping painful. Tonight I was sitting reading a book on the couch very happy and relaxed and then she comes up to me sinks her teeth into my hand and runs off. ???


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You were just paying more attention to your book than to her ? Cats are a law unto themselves .. love them, but never try to understand them.
01:32 Sun 06th Mar 2016
It's a cat thing, gordie. They can be like that sometimes.
It is bored. It wants to play. It hates you.

Who knows what goes on in their minds: a swift smack with a shovel will sort it.
Did you stop giving it those 'munchies' or whatever you called them?
Dreamies, they never forgive.
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You were just paying more attention to your book than to her ?

Cats are a law unto themselves .. love them, but never try to understand them.
My cat does it a lot. Apparently it's a sign that they love you! Well they do say that love hurts!
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My Cat Suddenly Attacks Me For No Reason

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