annoying people in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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annoying people

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catherine_s | 21:12 Wed 24th May 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
arent some people like....really annoying. thoughts?
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i agree with zeus
people are only annoying if that is how you perceive them to be x x
Only if you think so.

Some people annoy a lot of people for a lot of reasons, some a few for a few reaons, and the range between is infinite. What sets some people screaming can be not noticed, or ignored by others - it's a matter of perception.

For instance - I find Fiona Phillips on GMTV to be irritating enough for me to want to hurt total strangers, lots of people think she's great. I could listen to and watch Jimmy Saville all day, others find him appalling.

The most recent concensus seems to be Shabaz on Big Brother, who is not only monumentally irritating without trying, he actually goes out of his way to be irritating - which is quite a feat in itself.

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Shabaz seriously needs shooting
i'm glad for his sanity most don't know what he really looks like :) x x

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