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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 07:07 Sat 12th Mar 2016 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
Saturday. Still no air movement. No frost. It's getting light a bit earlier now. Yesterday was really quite warm. Well, it felt it anyway! It looks lie today could be the same. Wonderful.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Tambo hs a cold, her nose is runny. Her eyes are red. Her voice sounds funny. Tambo sneezes and wheezes and hacks all day. Her skin feels hot. Her face looks gray. Tambo blows her nose and spit up phlegm. Five seconds later She does it again. She takes two Sqad aspirins and a bicarb of soda. If it will help, Tambo has no iota All Tambo eats is toast and tea. Toast makes...
08:33 Sat 12th Mar 2016
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It is Lina. I loved the look on his wee face when he'd mastered something. He is now an engineer in the high tech aero industry which involved both of the skills he learned with us. He's one of the nicest people I know. He is also an accomplished cook. Job done! :o}
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Lina that's lovely. :o}
will he marry me ???
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I'd better shove off and get the day under way. Now, where's my green rugby shirt with the shamrock on?

Have a happy day everyone.
bye boaty xx
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He's too busy for girlfriends yet minty. He has a mortgage to pay. He's 26!
just right cougar ! lol
Brilliant Waterman. Hard job parenting but when you get it right, very satisfying! Right, I'm off to do stuff. I'm making a crustless quiche for mum, will have two choices she can choose from. She eats a lot of chicken, so I'll see if she fancies that or a roast. For my brother, he likes spicy so I have a choice of chicken tikka & rice or a roast. So, off to finish cleaning and make my quiche. Not long till we can all get on with our gardens and sit out, looking forward to that. Nice day everyone! Enjoy!
By the way Waterman, let's have your face back as your avatar!
bye nanny lina xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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