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Dvd Players

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magpie | 19:48 Wed 23rd Mar 2016 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
why are non home cinema DVD players so low in volume? does anybody know how to get more loudness from them. i have to put the TV on to 75 on my set's control just to hear DVDs well.


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Are you sure that there's not a volume adjustment available via the DVD player?

Make and model, please!
I have to do exactly the same and that's with both my current and last TV, always have. My DVD is a Bush,probably quite old.
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buenchico my model is sony-tz140 there is a volume control on remote but all it does is increase the volume on the TV thanx for your reply, mags
A quick look at the instruction manual shows that you can adjust the system volume on the front panel. See '3' in the picture:

Does that help?
Question Author
sorry i posted the wrong sony model it should be dvp-sr170
Well I'm mystified then!

The instruction manual for that DVD player is incredibly basic but, given the only connection between the player and the TV set is a Scart lead, I can't see why using the player's remote control should increase the volume on the TV set, rather than the output from the player. (It's extremely unusual to have a remote control for a DVD player that does anything with the TV to which it's connected).

I'd possibly try a different Scart lead but, beyond that, I'm stuck!

I have a vague recollection that one of the TVs I've had in the past had a means of varying the volume from different inputs so that you could switch from say TV to DVD and then to Sky and the volume would remain constant. You had to go into the "settings" menu of the TV to achieve it. Perhaps your TV has the same option. Other than that, the suggestion of trying a different SCART lead is a good one and also try a different input socket on the TV, if it has one.

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