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Window's 10 Mail

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BJS | 11:07 Tue 22nd Mar 2016 | Computers
6 Answers
I ended up getting a new computer with Windows 10. Have managed to set most things up but as usual found the so-called advancements actually a backward step in my humble estimation. What I am seeking help for is A how to create sub-folders for IN and OUT mail folders so I can store wanted mail in relevant folders and B how I can create a contact list from incoming mail. A bg thank you for any help as I feel brain dead. It's been a 2-3 weeks of brain drain.


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Are you using the Mail app that came with Windows 10?

If so you don't have to, you could install another mail app.

Or you could even use your browser, most (all?) email systems can be used via a browser.

I use gmail and and do all my email via a browser and never need to install a mail app.
A bit of Googling suggests (based upon countless people posting similar questions to your own) that you're trying to do the impossible because the Windows 10 Mail app simply displays whatever folders it finds when it uses an IMAP connection to your account on your email provider's server.

So you need to log into your email account via your provider's web page (NOT with the Windows 10 Mail app) and create a new folder there. When you next log in with the app, your new folder should be shown. (You might need to click on 'More' to see it).

Alternatively, just use a decent email client (rather than Microsoft's garbage) instead:
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Trie Thunderbird but did not recognise my mail address so phoned mt provide and they have now got my mail working as I like. Just a bit longwinded as have to log into my provider's account first.but still worth it. What possesses Microsoft to make life more difficult each time they bring out aso-called advancement. Thanks yet agein for the help.
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Idid mean to say am also using Firefox as my browser.
Download and use Windows Live Mail 2012 from the Live Essentials Suite it works perfectly with Windows 10 I use on all of my Windows 10 computers
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That sounds promising galeck1947 could you please give me a link being I'm a baldheaded surfer.

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