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Altering The Clocks

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Caran | 19:45 Sun 27th Mar 2016 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
What do you think about this. I think it is a complete waste of time.
Every time it just drives me mad.
There was a good description of it in this mornings papers.
It was likened to cutting a strip of the top of a blanket and sewing it on the bottom again.
That just about summed it up for me.


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Modern technology eh ?? Thanks bhg ......
It doesn't go far enough. Matching the daylight hours to that when society is active is a good thing. Syncs us to nature. Should be reset every month at least so we start each day at effectively the same point. Naturally it would help if all clocks were synced to a master one via radio.

The newspaper analogy doesn't fit. You see the whole page at once; you don't experience the whole day at once.
BST all year round is fine by me.

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