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Filling Fake Gems After Search 4,5

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Fistycuff | 13:31 Thu 31st Mar 2016 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Think it's Fish Paste but don't know why?!


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fish paste= a filling
fish= to search
paste = fake gems
Fish(search) + Paste(Fake jewellery)
Fish= Search

Paste = Fake Gems
what letters do you have please?
Well fake gems are known as paste, not sure about the fish bit though
okay- I could see teh fish but have never heard of paste for fake gems
fish=to search carefully:
He fished through all his pockets but his wallet was gone.
paste for gems is like faux for fur
Paste Gemstones - GemSelect
Paste is the term used to denote gemstones created from cut glass. The art of paste jewelry reached its peak in the 18th century
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Thanks everyone

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Filling Fake Gems After Search 4,5

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