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If you could be someone else in life for a day, who would it be?

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EminOz | 02:59 Fri 26th May 2006 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
I mean a normal person that you have day to day interaction with but maybe dont actually know very well, for example, you see the bus driver everyday, or the guy that works at the coffee shop you go to everyday, or the IT guy at work who you only speak to on the phone when youve locked yourself out of your computer. or even you manager, where does he go after work? whats his family life like? does he sing in that car on the way home? this is your opportunity to find out all the mudane stuff that fascinates me about people. so, who would you be and why?


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how funny posy - we posted exactly the same answer!!!
great minds think alike!!
I'd like to see inside the mind of the ex of a guy I went out with for a wee while. She basically broke us up and even after a month of me and her ex being apart (and me having a new lad) she's still stirring things up and spreading lies about me. I'd love to know exactly what her motives are for such childish behaviour. Also she's one of these larger ladies who dresses like she's a size 8 and is mean about other girls weights. I'd like to see what she see in the mirror to make her think it's a good idea for a size 18 woman to go out in a skirt that doesn't cover her bum.

You guys have the best answers.. I got some good chuckles lol... I think if we took all these answers we could make a really GREAT

Alrighty then... who here on this site is a producer?? lol

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If you could be someone else in life for a day, who would it be?

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