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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:54 Sat 02nd Apr 2016 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Saturday. It's raining. It has been on and off all night.

Needless to say, tiggy was out for his supper and went back to bed.

Not sure what to do today, depends on the weather.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Hi, everyone. I'm just popping out from behind the aspidistra where I hide while reading the regular thread.
Mikey, I believe you're just a bit down the road from me
it does sound like you are surfacing, minty....
Sorry, I pressed the wrong button by mistake. I meant to finish by saying we had terrible weather a few days ago in the SW. I'm surprised Mikey has had it so rough just now.
West Penwith is another country, Cloverjo..... morning by the way
whereabouts are you?
good days and not so good day at a time
I'm in Somerset. on the coast.
Somerset, that's England - in many ways, W.Penwith isn't even Cornwall, a countryside and law to themselves!

Must be moving, breakfast beckons......have a good one all.
bye dt xx hope you get heating sorted out
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Morning jo xxx

Sorry to take so long replying. I'm having some funquote[not!] trying nto send a document.

minty that sounds very good. Progress. A long way yet though. You're doing a grand job. :o}

Have a good'un DT.
although I had some worrying news from mum that brat number 1 has to leave singapore soon as his visa is ending and there is a question over where he is mum told NOT to you under any circs...can you imagine? if sis thinks she can foist him off here then I will be having very strong if mum could cope with a druggie and his weird friends hanging around...mum said she would facetime her and tell her that she can't have him..but I am worried
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With very good reason minty.
Can't he get his visa extended, or doesn't Singapore want him either?

Sis needs to understand that cannot go to your mum's. or anywhere near.
singapore very strict with visas..seems his mum does not want him either had told mum she had washed her hands of him....all her doing of course..but got mum told he is NOT coming here, he is 25 and needs to learn the hard way that he is now an adult and has to grow up ...think mum feels bad that he may have nowhere to go..but got her told she has enough to cope with without a houseful of weirdos robbing her..which would be the case..and that if he turns up then she wont see me...
Morning wbm xxx and all miserable rainy day here too .
morning wendi xx
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Morning wendi. xxx Still raining here too. :o{

minty it has to be done my lovely. mum wouldn't cope with the obnoxious git.

Sis can only blame herself for the way he has turned out!
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Just emailed you minty.
Morning WB. Raining here in S Wales. Forecast is to clear and brighten up lunch time. Glad I took the visiting grandchildren to the beach last Monday, had great weather.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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