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What Can I Put In My Aviary ?

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Morgane26 | 07:48 Mon 04th Apr 2016 | Animals & Nature
18 Answers

Hello every birdlover

I am soon going to acquire an aviary, and I would like to hear what you think of what I think of what bird I think to put in. The aviary would be 2 meters long, 2 m large and 2 m high.
I thought of puttng two females cockatiels and two females sunconures. I wouldn't like couples because I don't want babies...

Do you think my idea is ok ?



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Why not pairs? If you don't put a breeding box in they won't breed. But you'll be missing out on a large fun part of birds. If you do put breeding boxes in and actually get some babies, surely they would be easy to sell or give away. Female cockatiels are rather dull compared to the male, so a true pair or two males would be better. Two female cockatiels may get a bit...
00:45 Tue 05th Apr 2016
That sounds a little on the small size - do some googling re optimal aviary space for cockatiels. i`d say a little tight for 4 birds.
smaller birds in that size I would say ?? canaries ?
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I already "googled" and that's is what I found... 2 or 3 meters high, 2 m long and 2 m large for 4 cockatiels. If you think it is too small, then what do you propose ?
To give them some elbow (wing) room i`d go for 3m dimensions. if you go for smaller birds ( canaries / budgies / finches ) 2m would probably be ok but sexing finches is not easy. Dont get zebra finches - to much honking......
It is quite a small aviary so I would stick to finches or maybe budgies. You need to think about wether the bird can actually fly in the cage not just hop from perch to perch. As with any animal you intend to keep confined always buy the largest enclosure you can possibly afford/accommodate.
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Okay. Then if I take a 3*3*3 meters aviary, would I be able to put these 4 birds ?
No expert Morgane, but I'd make it as big as possible so they can fly about. I feel sorry for caged birds I'm afraid.
Hi, Morgane and welcome.....☺

I'm a birdlover who agrees with Viv......I don't like to see birds caged...they should be flying free..... and no nookie?......Hmmmm.......x
Realistically the only bird that is going to be happy in a 6.5ft cube is a frozen chicken.
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I agree with all of you. The idea of the aviary is from my mother. I wanted parrots and she said ok but not in a cage, so she told me that we could make an aviary.
Why not pairs? If you don't put a breeding box in they won't breed. But you'll be missing out on a large fun part of birds. If you do put breeding boxes in and actually get some babies, surely they would be easy to sell or give away.

Female cockatiels are rather dull compared to the male, so a true pair or two males would be better. Two female cockatiels may get a bit sassy in Spring as they will see their aviary mate as a potential competition for a nesting hole, whether you put a breeding box in not. Two cocks get on better together.
The conures are harder(impossible) to sex but easy with dna testing.

All the long-tailed parrots (parakeets) require a long flight rather than a roomy one. It is better to have a 3 or better even 4m long flight with good weather protection on the northern side. The 2m height is ok and the 2m width could easily be divided into two 1m wide flights if the birds get too bossy.

Don't worry about the 'don't like birds in cages' brigade. Common aviary birds are bred in captivity, and are used to being confined providing they have good room to stretch their wings.
In fact, breeders of the rarer species are helping the endangered wild species by providing their young to the market so wild-caught/smuggling birds will become uneconomical.

The square one you propose is suited for canaries/finches and if you insist on parrots, maybe a colony of fishers lovebirds or some of the small parrotlets.
Why not put a nest box in and keep a pair of Cockatiels. A one day old Cockatiel chick is the cutest thing you'll ever see.

Take into consideration the noise factor too. Cockatiels and other members of the parrot family are pretty vocal especially when it starts getting light at 4am in the summer!!!!!!!!
How big is your garden - if large and near fields, pheasants.......
Oh well wildwood has spoken - I stand corrected (NOT) !!!
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Well thank you for your answers! They help me very much! I will see with my parents if they say okay for babies or not.

To answer your question DTCwordfan, we don't know yet. We are leaving our house soon and we are still searching for houses. That's why I was looking for the very LEAST conditions.
Poor birds, stuck in a box all their lives, they have wings to FLY !!!
Then wait, need the very best conditions not the very least if you are going to confine birds to a life of captivity....x
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Okay so my parents said why not for the babies because it would help me for my later job ;)
Don't worry gness. If I don't have enough space to have an aviary big enough, I won't have birds. I'm not that crasy ! But we are looking for houses that have at least 1000 meters square so it should be fine.

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