I cant find the post that caused all the fuss at work, possibly because it was some time ago and I also do not know which page or group I posted it in.
If FaceBook removed it, would they inform me?
Is there any search facility I could use to find it, I cant even remember what I wrote or when I wrote it, I have had a few such conversations in different forums on FB.
Sorry, yes a post. I was just thinking that if my ex. employer found this post to be so harmful and damaging he could have asked to have it removed or even asked me to remove it, it looks like he has taken no steps to have it removed. He cant be that bothered about!
I think he is just wound up that I should say such things, He shouldn't be, I told him the same to his face months ago and nothing was done!
If its not a secret group, you may also be able to search through google by putting in your name and the name of the group. If this works, it will bring up all your posts.