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The Trumpanaut Rolls On.......

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ToraToraTora | 08:16 Wed 20th Apr 2016 | News
24 Answers
"Pesident" Trump moves ever closer.


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bloomberg or guliani to stand, please, not this loon. Though I do wonder if any of the Ladbrokes, Paddypower or Betfred are offering odds on Trump being knocked off before the election...and before becoming Pressie.

At least Sanders, the Corbyn of the States, appears to be all but sunk.

The odds on Hilary sleeping back in the White House must be shortening - now are they on Bill?
^I suspect there's plenty more dirt on Hilary, to be produced at the right time.
Not much of a choice but at least Trump hasnt anyone pulling his strings.
I'm not so sure on that, tambo....with the likes (and wealth) of Warren Buffett, John Huntsman, Steve Cohen and John Sculley behind him as alumni of the U. of Pennsylvania......

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The Trumpanaut Rolls On.......

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