Quizzes & Puzzles0 min ago
Father's 70Th Birthday
28 Answers
It's my fathers 70th Birthday in September and I have no idea what to get him at all.
He is retired but active, can no longer drive long distances, but does enjoy days out. He lives in East Anglia.
Any unusual gift ideas out there?
No idea of budget but not over £300 probably.
He is retired but active, can no longer drive long distances, but does enjoy days out. He lives in East Anglia.
Any unusual gift ideas out there?
No idea of budget but not over £300 probably.
They run falconry courses up the road from me, at the East Anglian Academy of Falconry: http:// www. owl- help. org. uk/ styled- 5/ page72. html
20:07 Thu 17th Mar 2016
Again the problem is pops has led a very full life and has driven many sports cars and tanks etc.
Also, he is cross between fletcher and the actor from Who framed Roger Rabbit so short and a little rotund and I am not sure he would fit!! Lol
I think I may send him off for a weekend he loves birds of prey so I may include that as well.
Also, he is cross between fletcher and the actor from Who framed Roger Rabbit so short and a little rotund and I am not sure he would fit!! Lol
I think I may send him off for a weekend he loves birds of prey so I may include that as well.
They run falconry courses up the road from me, at the East Anglian Academy of Falconry:
http:// www.owl -help.o rg.uk/s tyled-5 /page72 .html
Titchwell Manor is lovely for a meal and an overnight stay. Its on the edge of the RSPB reserve in North Norfolk, beautiful beaches.
http:// www.tit chwellm anor.co m
If your father lives in North Norfolk, how about a weekend in Norwich? The Assembly Rooms have just opened some luxury bedrooms; a meal and tickets for the theatre next door would make a lovely present.
http:// www.ass emblyho usenorw ich.co. uk
Or my final thought, if he hasn't got one already, is an ipad.
If your father lives in North Norfolk, how about a weekend in Norwich? The Assembly Rooms have just opened some luxury bedrooms; a meal and tickets for the theatre next door would make a lovely present.
Or my final thought, if he hasn't got one already, is an ipad.
Thanks for your post.
At the cheaper end of the market, there's a Travelodge near NeedhamMarket (5½ miles from Stonham Barns):
https:/ /www.tr avelodg e.co.uk /hotels /37/Ips wich-Be acon-Hi ll-hote l
TripAdvisor reviews:
https:/ /www.tr ipadvis or.co.u k/Hotel _Review -g50375 1-d2492 68-Revi ews-Tra velodge _Ipswic h_Beaco n_Hill- Needham _Market _Suffol k_East_ Anglia_ England .html
For a spot of luxury (at a price!), Bays Farm is the place to go. (5 miles):
http:// www.bay sfarmsu ffolk.c o.uk/
It's got some of the best reviews ever seen on TripAdvisor!
https:/ /www.tr ipadvis or.co.u k/Hotel _Review -g61246 5-d1876 026-Rev iews-Ba ys_Farm _Countr y_B_B_a nd_Kitc hen-Sto wmarket _Suffol k_East_ Anglia_ England .html
The Claydon Country House Hotel is very 'traditional'. (9 miles). It's part of the Best Western group and, unlike the others above, it's not 'in the middle of nowhere'. So it's possible to pop out for a pint in the evening, at one of the two pubs in the village. (The Crown is the better of the two!):
https:/ /www.be stweste rn.co.u k/hotel s/best- western -claydo n-count ry-hous e-hotel -83676
It's TripAdvisor reviews are a bit varied, with some liking the rather old-fashioned style of the place and others hating it:
https:/ /www.tr ipadvis or.co.u k/Hotel _Review -g19072 5-d1927 95-Revi ews-BES T_WESTE RN_Clay don_Cou ntry_Ho use_Hot el-Ipsw ich_Suf folk_Ea st_Angl ia_Engl and.htm l
There's a Premier Inn down the road from there (so also 9 miles from Stonham Barns). It's a bit isolated although one could walk into Claydon for a pint (if you don't mind an unlit road and a roundabout that's awkward to cross!):
http:// www.pre mierinn .com/gb /en/hot els/eng land/su ffolk/i pswich/ ipswich -north. html
Good reviews though:
https:/ /www.tr ipadvis or.co.u k/Hotel _Review -g10696 83-d571 007-Rev iews-Pr emier_I nn_Ipsw ich_Nor th_Hote l-Clayd on_Suff olk_Eas t_Angli a_Engla nd.html
My own choice though might be Creeting House. (4½ miles). It's in a small (publess) village but, if your father fancied a drink or a pub meal, a taxi into Needham Market wouldn't cost much. (There are 5 pubs in Needham Market. The Lion and the Rampant Horse are the best of them).
http:// www.cre etingho use.com /
It's superb!
https:/ /www.tr ipadvis or.co.u k/Hotel _Review -g19072 5-d1748 071-Rev iews-Cr eeting_ House-I pswich_ Suffolk _East_A nglia_E ngland. html
At the cheaper end of the market, there's a Travelodge near NeedhamMarket (5½ miles from Stonham Barns):
TripAdvisor reviews:
For a spot of luxury (at a price!), Bays Farm is the place to go. (5 miles):
It's got some of the best reviews ever seen on TripAdvisor!
The Claydon Country House Hotel is very 'traditional'. (9 miles). It's part of the Best Western group and, unlike the others above, it's not 'in the middle of nowhere'. So it's possible to pop out for a pint in the evening, at one of the two pubs in the village. (The Crown is the better of the two!):
It's TripAdvisor reviews are a bit varied, with some liking the rather old-fashioned style of the place and others hating it:
There's a Premier Inn down the road from there (so also 9 miles from Stonham Barns). It's a bit isolated although one could walk into Claydon for a pint (if you don't mind an unlit road and a roundabout that's awkward to cross!):
Good reviews though:
My own choice though might be Creeting House. (4½ miles). It's in a small (publess) village but, if your father fancied a drink or a pub meal, a taxi into Needham Market wouldn't cost much. (There are 5 pubs in Needham Market. The Lion and the Rampant Horse are the best of them).
It's superb!
Whatever you do, avoid the Limes Hotel in Needham Market!
Although I understand that things have improved quite a bit, it's not so long since it scored just 1 out of 5 for its food hygiene. Further, it's just across the road from the church, which has a clock that strikes loudly every quarter of an hour throughout the night!
Whatever you do, avoid the Limes Hotel in Needham Market!
Although I understand that things have improved quite a bit, it's not so long since it scored just 1 out of 5 for its food hygiene. Further, it's just across the road from the church, which has a clock that strikes loudly every quarter of an hour throughout the night!
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