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The Lady Reading The News On Bbc 1 Today At 1 O'clock Wore A Remarkably Tight Top.

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sandyRoe | 15:34 Tue 26th Apr 2016 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Would it not restrict her breathing?


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She doesn't beat Fiona Bruce though.
She always wears clothes like that. I think she looks too top heavy. She has such a tiny waist.
// Sensible shoes must sit incongruously with such a tight top.//

I have never seen a woman wear shoes on her breasts ....
no no please readers do not rise to the challenge ....
Fiona doesn't flash her cleavage.
I didn't know Fiona is a ***, surely not........??
Hi Sandy, just checking my cleavage, maybe need to rethink....
Not Fiona, DTC!
I hope not, imagine a Hertford College alumni batting for Cambridge women....
how much for a paper bag now, Baldric?? or even two?
// imagine a Hertford College alumni //

alumna ...... ..alumna

sorry - that was designed to take your mind off womens breasts for a few seconds
Keeping abreast of the news, was it a red top!!
Not many of them in a pound.

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The Lady Reading The News On Bbc 1 Today At 1 O'clock Wore A Remarkably Tight Top.

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