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Update On Oh

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Caran | 22:24 Mon 25th Apr 2016 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Had appointment with consultant today. Confirmed he has lung cancer and emphysema. The cancer has not spread and it is operable. That is such a great relief. Feel like a huge weight has been lifted.
He is not too bad in himself. He gave up smoking two weeks ago and is managing that really well seeing as he has smoked for 62 years.
One change in him though is he is sleeping an awful lot. After breakfast he will have an hour. Same in the afternoon and again in the evening.
The main problem he has, he is in a lot of pain with very bad swollen legs and feet. But today he has been given diuretics to help with that.
So onwards and upwards, we just have to wait for his appointment.


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I wish you both all the best Caran, stay strong xx
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Thank you all for your very kind wishes, they are so much appreciated.
Very best wishes to both of you xx
Caran - have been away and only just read of your husband's illness. Glad they can operate - very best wishes, I'm thinking of you during this worrying time for you both. A x
I echo Ann - the best luck of the Irish to you.

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