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Rubyrose | 02:01 Mon 29th May 2006 | Body & Soul
10 Answers

Ok I posted a thread the other day saying I love the smell of clothes that have just come out of the washing machine and I kept sniffing my clean clothes the other day. I love that smell so much and today I was in a garden centre with my dad and they had some candles and they did one called 'Fresh Cotton'.. it smells JUST like the freshly washed clothes and I have been burning it in my room but now... I feel sick of it! I think I ruined it! :o(

Why am I now sick of it? It doesn't smell the same now as when I was sniffing it in the shop!



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Nice smell overdose! Them smelly candles give me a headache!x

Shall i answer you seriously or shall i take the p1ss Ruby? lol

It's probably mixing with other fragrances and perfumes now.

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I think thats what I have done! Its waaaay to much. It smells nicer when its not being burned too!

Damn you answered quick :o)

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Take the p!ss Dot.. ;o) I don't mind a good old take the p!ss answer... some of them are preferred :o)
Open all your windows to get rid of the smell.x
aww Ruby thats a shame ! I think they smell great in the shop but can be waay to overpowering maybe only light it for a few minutes in future to get the smell xx
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I just have Katie.. :o)

Spk.. I know.. It was sooo lovely and I have ruined it.. but I have just done some washing so I am going to go and sniff the clean wet clothes and see if it still smells nice :o)

well this is a weird one, when my kids went to primary school they had to wear pumps inside and i loved buying new pumps for them cos i used to stick my nose into the pumps and breath deeply, ooh the aroma absolutly fantastic smell, only thing was i sometimes forgot i was in the shop how embarressing for the poor bu@@ers

lol devilwoman i know exactly what you are talking about lol i love the smell too .

rubes i love the smell of washing powder but only from a far if you stick your nose right into the box it irritates your nose and makes you sneeze.

ok dont think im weird here but do you know the smell you get when you are using a steam stripper to remove wallpaper? i love it !!

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Lmao @ Devilwoman

Nob - I don't like the smell of the actual powder... Only the smell it gives the clothes one they come out of the machine. Mmmmmm

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